How to place an order?
To place your order, you need to register with us and create an account. We require contact details to provide you a faster checkout, delivery and tracking of your order. You can Wishlist your favourite products after creating an account.
What if I forgot my password?
If you forget your password, you can reset it through the Forgotten Password link. An email will be sent to you regarding the procedure.
How do I check the status of my order?
We will update you regarding your Order status through email from you will receive email notifications for a) Placement of order. b) Tracking details once the order is dispatched. In case of any queries relating to the order, our customer care service is available on all the weekdays. Or you can email your query to
How do I cancel my order?
In case you need to cancel the order, you can cancel the order before your order is dispatched. We will have the order cancelled and process refund. We will not be able to cancel orders, if they are already dispatched.
Do the prices on website include taxes?
Yes. All prices are inclusive of taxes. For international customers, the VAT/ Import Duties/ Local Taxes are borne directly by the customer, to be paid at the time of delivery to our courier partner. These taxes will be chargeable over and above the product/order price you pay.
Can I modify the shipping address of my order after it has been placed?
For domestic orders If you want to change/modify the shipping address, you can drop an email at requesting to change/modify the shipping address and we can change it, provided the order is not dispatched. For international orders kindly drop us a mail at or +91 89510-60999 within 2 hours, of placing order.
When will I receive my refund, if I cancelled my order?
Once an order is cancelled, the refund will be initiated and processed within 7-10 working days.
If I cancel the order will the tax amount be refunded?
Yes, total order amount will be refunded as prices are inclusive of it. However, we will be deducting the transaction fee charged by the bank.
How do I reach the customer care?
You can either write to us or you can text us in WhatsApp at +91 89510-62999. You can also reach us by calling at +91 89510-61999 any day. We are happy to assist you with your queries.
How do I purchase a product from Facebook/Instagram?
Our exclusive saree collections are showcased in our social media channels. If you wish to purchase a product that you view on Instagram/Facebook, you can check out our website to place an order if that particular product is available.
What are the different modes of payment available?
Currently, we offer 2 payment methods - PayPal and PayU Payment Gateway (Net banking, credit cards, debit cards, wallets and UPI). The default payment currency is set to INR. You can change it to USD from the drop-down button at the righthand side of your page for international orders.
Why did my payment fail and not go through?
Your payment could have failed due to various reasons. Few of the reasons given below (a) Incorrect entry of card details, including name, card number, expiry date, CVV or 3D secure pin. (b) Invalid card details. (c) An outage or system failure from the bank's end. (d) Accidental closing or refreshing of the payment page while your transaction was being processed. (e) Connection error between your bank and our payment gateway due to technical glitches
What do I do in case my payment fails?
If your payment fails, please reach out to our Customer Care team, we will check the transaction details and send you an email regarding your payment, order status and how to proceed. If we are unable to get in contact with your bank, there might be a slight delay. We shall resolve the issue at the earliest.
Is your online payment system secure?
We assure you that all your transactions and payments are processed in a secure environment, complying with the industry standards.
Select your currency
USD United States (US) dollar